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The United States Permafrost Association's (USPA) purpose is to encourage scientific and engineering investigations of permafrost and to share knowledge and data related to permafrost. Ground that has been frozen for two or more consecutive years is known as permafrost. Permafrost underlies more than a quarter of the land surface in the Northern Hemisphere and is an important component of global climate and human infrastructure. The goal of the USPA is to promote awareness of permafrost among the public and to train new generations of scientists and engineers to work in fields related to permafrost science and engineering. The USPA has been working to form a strong national organization of scientists and engineers interested in permafrost research. The USPA coordinates with the International Permafrost Association (IPA) to host the International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) every four years, as well as more frequent Regional Conferences on Permafrost (RCOP). Join the USPA Today!USPA Newsletter August 2024Check out our fourth issue of the USPA newsletter! In this issue, we spotlight institutional member UAF Geophysical Institute, offer a sneak preview of an article by USPA Board Member Vladimir Romanovsky and colleagues, and talk about interdisciplinary permafrost research. USPA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion StatementDiversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are essential elements of scientific discovery and innovative engineering solutions. The USPA is therefore committed to DEI for all; welcoming differences in race, color, religion, economic status, age, national origin, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. The USPA Board of Directors, officers and members will stand and work together with all who strive to eliminate the challenges, barriers and exclusionary practices faced by underrepresented peoples. We will achieve this by promoting a safe and inclusive environment for all people to participate in USPA activities and leadership, and especially by welcoming and partnering with indigenous communities who live in the northern and permafrost regions that are the focus of our science and engineering. |